Abdominoplasty is a cosmetic surgery which is also known as 'Tummy Tuck.' This surgery aims to make the abdomen thinner and firmer. Pregnancy or a major weight loss can cause sagging tissues, and having a Tummy Tuck remove the issue. Abdominoplasty reduces sagging abdomens by removing excess fat and skin or tightening the muscles in the area. It is important to keep in mind that Tummy Tuck should not be considered as an alternative to weight loss. Abdominoplasty and Liposuction can be done together to improve the apearance of the abdomen.
If you are suffering from sagging skin in your abdomen but do not want to have surgery, there is an alternative. This alternative is called 'Thermalipo' which has a more comfortable recovery and shorter treatment time. This method uses Liposuction and Thermage Radiofrequency Skin Tightening (a non-invasive treatment for aging and loose skin). After the Liposuction, the Thermage device is used to tighten the skin by using radiofrequency energy to stimulate collagen growth. Beside the abdomen, the Thermalipo can be used for other areas as well.
Procedure you need to follow before your surgery:
This procedure usually takes 1-5 hours, and it's performed under general anesthesia which means you will be unconscious during the operation. Depending on the patient's condition, the surgeon can perform the surgery in two different ways:
Just like any other surgery, Abdominoplasty carries risks such as:
Having diabetes, heart, or liver conditions makes it more likely for complications to happen. The scars of this surgery will fade over time but will not disappear completely.
After the surgery, you will experience pain, soreness, and swelling during the first few days. Your doctor will probably prescribe painkillers to deal with pain. The soreness will subside after a few weeks or months. Bruising is also a possibility. You must limit your activities for at least six weeks. Diet and exercise regularly to maintain the results of your Abdominoplasty.
You might wonder if it's worth traveling to another country for surgery? It only makes sense if you have to pay less for the same quality of services. In Iran, you can get the same quality of services if not more, at lower and more affordable prices. Iranian surgeons are well-educated and experienced. The clinics and hospitals in Iran are fully equipped and advanced, so you have to worry about anything. The hospitable and kind people of Iran, its historical and cultural attractions, and delicious cuisine are just some of the many things you'll miss if you don't choose Iran. However, if you have selected Iran as your destination, feel free to contact MedTourIran and get a consultation and plan your trip.
Abdominoplasty averagely costs about $2500 in Iran. But the same surgery will cost you around $3000 in India. The cost of this surgery ranges from $4000 to $15000 in European countries, and about $6000, and $6200 in Thailand and Mexico respectively.