Breast Lift, also known as Mastopexy, is a cosmetic procedure done to raise sagging breasts. This procedure helps women feel more confident by reshaping their breasts to have a more youthful look. Sagging breasts can be caused by aging, weight loss, or breastfeeding. The difference between a breast lift and a breast reduction is that in a breast lift surgery, only excess skin is removed. However, in breast reduction, the actual breast tissue is removed. You should consult with a plastic surgeon to decide which one is best for you, but sometimes both surgeries are done together.
A breast lift might be right for you if:
Keep in mind that if you want to get pregnant, this surgery might not be right for you because pregnancy eliminates the effect of a breast lift.
There is a way to lift sagging breasts without having surgery. This alternative procedure uses PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) and radiofrequency waves to lift the breasts. This method is also known as 'Vampire Breast Lift.' Vampire Breast lift method doesn't need general anesthesia. Also, there is no downtime. This approach will increase breast and nipple sensitivity, reduce wrinkles, and it will lift sagging breasts without any surgery. For optimal results, a vampire breast lift is combined with microneedling or laser resurfacing.
All major surgeries have risks, and breast lift surgery is not an exception. Some of this surgery's risks are:
During your consultation, your plastic surgeon will:
Also, before the surgery, you need to stop smoking and avoid taking particular medication like aspirin (because it can increase bleeding).
Depending on the patient's condition, there are three types of breast lift:
During the first few days after the surgery, you can take painkillers that are recommended by your doctor to alleviate the pain. You might feel numb for up to six weeks. Your breasts will also swell and bruise, but these symptoms will subside after about two weeks. Your surgeon might place small tubes at the incision sites to drain excess blood or fluid. Your surgeon will usually remove the tubes after a few days. If your surgeon hasn't used dissolvable stitches, you need to visit your doctor to have your stitches removed, usually 1-2 weeks after the surgery. Keep in mind that the results of a breast lift are not permanent because as you age, your skin becomes less elastic.
The cost of this cosmetic surgery starts from about $2100, $2900, $2300, $3000 and $3600 in India, Turkey, UK, Mexico, and Thailand, respectively. The breast lift surgery costs averagely about $3300 in European countries. In Iran, this surgery is done at the same quality, but the price of it starts from $1600.