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What is Hair Transplant?

Hair has a significant impact on your appearance. Due to this impact, many people suffering from hair loss are looking for a permanent solution to stop this process once and for all. Today, surgeons can deal with hair loss by transplanting healthy hairs into the balding part of the body. This procedure is called hair transplant and usually is not done all of a sudden; meaning that hairs will be implanted over time. This process gives the hair a natural look compared to the hair transplantation in the 70s and 80s.

Back then, it was quite noticeable, and people could quickly notice if someone’s hair was not natural. Today, thanks to the advances in this area, people (maybe not even your barber) can hardly tell the difference. Hair transplant is the most common cosmetic surgery procedure performed on men since they usually tend to go bald sooner. Hair loss isn’t specific to men, and women can also experience it at any age.

Hair Transplant Procedure

  • Hair transplant is generally safe and can take between 4 to 8 hours.
  • Usually, the dermatologist only uses local anesthesia which makes the scalp numb, but you will remain awake during the entire surgery.
  • As we mentioned before, the surgeon will remove healthy hairs, and place them in the thinning areas.
  • When the transplantation is finished, the surgeon will bandage your scalp, and give you the necessary instructions to follow at home.

Why Choose Iran?

In a hair transplant procedure, a correct distance, angle, and density play an important role in getting a natural outcome. In general, the result of your hair transplant depends a lot on the surgeon you choose. This is why many people select Iran for their surgery. Other reasons that make Iran a perfect destination for a hair transplant include:

  • Experienced surgeons
  • Affordable costs of hair transplant in Iran (compared to other countries)
  • Its exceptional and incomparable attractions

Are You The Right Candidate for a Hair Transplant?

Regardless of your gender or the cause of your hair loss (heredity, medical problems, etc.), you can be a good candidate for a hair transplant if:

  • There is enough healthy hair on your scalp for the surgeon to use and transfer to the thinning areas.
  • The balding areas should have the capacity to grow hair on them.

Your dermatologist will carefully examine your scalp and inform you if you have both conditions. Your doctor may also ask you to take a blood test to find out the cause of your hair loss. According to the results of the tests and exams, the dermatologist can almost tell you what to expect after the hair transplant. Expecting a full head of hair is quite unrealistic, but your hair and the balding areas will surely look better and fuller after the hair transplant.

Hair Transplant Risks

Hair transplant should be done in a hospital setting to decrease the possible risks. Hair transplant includes risks such as:

  • Infection
  • Swelling
  • Bruising
  • Itching
  • Scarring

If you choose an experienced plastic surgeon for your hair transplant, complications are less likely to happen. Any other problems like bruising or numbness in the balding areas of your head will subside within 2-3 months after the surgery.

Hair Transplant Results

Usually, patients can see results between 2 and 8 months after the hair transplant, but it might take almost 12 months for some people. Moreover, it is completely normal for the transplanted hair to fall out between 2 and 8 weeks after the surgery (shock loss) and grow again later. So, don’t panic!

Also, by the third month, your hair may look thinner compared to the way it looked before the hair transplantation. Again, don’t worry and be patient. Your dermatologist might prescribe medication to aid your hair loss and help you keep your natural-looking results.

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