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What is Rhinoplasty?

Rhinoplasty, also known as a 'nose job' is a plastic surgery aimed to make people improve their appearance. Rhinoplasty might have medical reasons as well. A nose job can be accompanied by other plastic surgery operations such as blepharoplasty (eyelid surgery) or genioplasty (chin surgery) to enhance the result. Rhinoplasty has become very common among peoples of all nations (especially Iran).

Types of Rhinoplasty

Rhinoplasty generally can be divided into 2 categories of "aesthetic rhinoplasty" and "functional rhinoplasty":

      • Aesthetic rhinoplasty has cosmetic reasons and the patients usually intend to change the appearance of their nose so that it will be in better harmony with other parts of their face and to generally suit their face more. Note that your health insurance might not cover cosmetic surgeries.
      • Functional rhinoplasty can be done for medical problems; for instance, to improve breathing or correct congenital defects.

We can also put a nose surgery into 2 groups of primary and secondary or revision rhinoplasty.

        • Primary rhinoplasty. If it is the first time that you are having rhinoplasty, it's called primary rhinoplasty; whether it's aesthetic or functional.
        • Secondary rhinoplasty indicates that you have already gotten a nose job, but it wasn't successful (which is not that common) and you need to reshape your nose due to problems like asymmetry, pinched tip, etc. That's why it is also called a revision rhinoplasty. The latter usually involves a more difficult procedure since the surgeon must recreate the nasal support that was probably destroyed in the primary rhinoplasty.

Rhinoplasty in Iran

Rhinoplasty is the most common cosmetic surgery in Iran. Iran is known as 'the nose job capital of the world' and there must be a good reason for that. We might be able to say that nose surgery has become a part of a fashion trend these days and the main reason that nose surgery has become very popular among Iranians is their Persian nose. Most Persia people prefer the European nose and this factor results in increasing rate of nose surgery in Iran. In recent years, people from all over the world, especially the Middle East, have shown a special interest in flocking to Iran for their nose job. The cause of this high demand can be traced to the following reasons:

        • The high-quality plastic surgery that patients experience in Iran plays an important role in this matter.
        • Surgeon's experience is important in predicting success rates. Iranian surgeons are well-educated and highly-experienced in this nose job and this is not surprising because of  the number of people they deal with every day.
        • High levels of clinical care is another reason for the popularity of rhinoplasty in Iran.
        • You can do the operation in the capital city of Iran, Tehran, and its other big towns such as Mashhad, Shiraz, Isfahan, etc. Therefore, aside from dealing with medical issues, you can also take a tour of these historical towns and visit their top attractions while you are in the city.

Best Age for a Nose Job

If you have a medical reason for getting surgery, a nose job can be done at younger ages; However, if you solely want to get a nose job to look better and improve your appearance, the proper age for girls is about age 15 and a bit older for boys.

Risks of Rhinoplasty

No surgery is risk-free and rhinoplasty is no exception. Rhinoplasty can cause:

  • A numb nose
  • Breathing difficulties
  • Bleeding
  • Infection
  • Dissatisfaction with the final resault

If you are not satisfied with your nose after the operation, you might want a second surgery which can be done, but in this case, you should wait until your nose is fully healed (maybe a year) and then get prepared for the second operation.

Rhinoplasty Preparations

        • First, you meet with a surgeon and discuss the details about your medical conditions, if getting a nose job is a good choice for you then, you decide on how you want your nose look loke after the surgery.
        • Your surgeon will closely examine the skin inside and outside your nose and might ask you to get a blood test.
        • In addition to that, they might take pictures of your nose from various angles to be used during the surgery or to make comparisons or assess the results after a while.
        • Remember not to take medicines or painkillers (before or after the operation) without consulting your surgeon.
        • A nose job can be done in a hospital or a doctor's office.
        • You’ll either be unconscious during the surgery or your surgeon will numb your face, but generally you'll stay awake.
        • Finally, the operation and reshaping of your nose start and it take 1 to 2 hours or even longer if the procedure is more complex.

Non-surgical Rhinoplasty

Surgeons can non-surgically reshape the nose with dermal fillers and make improvements that will last up to a year. A skilled surgeon can smooth out bumps, reshape the nose’s tip and improve its symmetry. It is important to keep in mind that the results are temporary but many unnecessary rhinoplasty operations can be avoided using this cost-effective approach and avoid extra expenses and side effects. You can also use this method to test out a nose reshaping before committing to the permanent changes.

Nose types

Noses can be divided into two categories: bony noses and meaty ones. The difference between these two types is in the thickness of the skin. Meaty noses have thicker skin. In the rhinoplasty of a bony nose small changes will have significant results.

Common Rhinoplasty Styles

There are three types of nose jobs: a natural nose job, a fantasy nose job and a semi-fantasy nose job. Usually meaty noses get natural nose jobs where smaller changes are applied. Those who have small faces are more suitable for a fantasy nose job which results in a small and upturned nose.

Recovery from Rhinoplasty

      • You will return home and it's necessary to follow your doctor's instructions.
      • Get enough rest and let the bone tissues heal after being cut.
      • Your surgeon might prescribe medications to alleviate pain.
      • It usually takes one week before you can go outside and the bruising around your eyes will heal in the second week.
      • If the surgeon hasn't used dissolvable stitches, you'll need to see your doctor again a week after surgery to get the stitches taken out.
      • Your doctor will inform you to avoid running, swimming, laughing, wearing eyeglasses or blowing your nose.
      • Above all, you need to avoid sun exposure as the skin around your nose is more prone to sun damage after the surgery.
      • You can also use cold compresses after the operation to decrease swelling.
      • Finally remember that it can take a whole year before you can see the final result of the surgery. So don't be so quick to judge your new nose and give it enough time to fully recover and become a normal nose again.

If you're considering rhinoplasty and you've chosen to do it in Iran, you can always ask for help from MedTourIran specialists and consult a surgeon to decide what is best for you.

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